Follow the below steps to perform the ssh passwordless login,
1.Login to the Server and run the below to generate the Key pair.
Sri> ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/sri/.ssh/id_rsa):
Created directory '/home/sri/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/sri/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/sri/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
7y:74:10:98:25:06:17:d7:49:b7:u2:46:2i:jc:10:92 sri@beetle
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
| ++B=oo=|
| oE+..+.*|
| . o o = |
| . o . o|
| S + . . |
| . o |
| |
| |
| |
2. The Private Keys gets genenrated .The Public Key gets created in the "/home/sri/.ssh/".
Sri> cat /home/sri/.ssh/
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAouNqZ7+sK0P2zjf+y6pM1CY4jCZTD+CVzfjYyiAB7VhpIkn70MiPiNcbbrNCmIr4v+9U64Mm4ioAz9V4WJOhZ6+1/QLMhPpIhZcq7D1wfc26xU/b4moyzzygX8WaNd2D1XRX5JZMEcz/ir4C6wTFG9lL9Y9iKkKK2/sJHYGCDHJemxsw9wY4gH1fvrfdY/1M/rG4OOMrHsp9s6PB+1v+G7lEIHozDkPBDZx0ypSM4YNKZR6ddPt+GpcWU0RlS9X0eMeFljtWawmr1W90p/KeqwxQaVhl6YVZnQw1dJ0T5YUQIEhQcHJdJpbOfkN962D8dGJYGnjnTN2vJw83xoB/CQ== sri@beetle
3.To perform the Login without the Password copy the Public Key content (output is One line ) to the ".ssh/authorized_keys" on the remote System .
The copy to the remote system can be done using scp or you can use the ssh as below
Sri> ssh remote -l sri "echo ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAouNqZ7+sK0P2zjf+y6pM1CY4jCZTD+CVzfjYyiAB7VhpIkn70MiPiNcbbrNCmIr4v+9U64Mm4ioAz9V4WJOhZ6+1/QLMhPpIhZcq7D1wfc26xU/b4moyzzygX8WaNd2D1XRX5JZMEcz/ir4C6wTFG9lL9Y9iKkKK2/sJHYGCDHJemxsw9wY4gH1fvrfdY/1M/rG4OOMrHsp9s6PB+1v+G7lEIHozDkPBDZx0ypSM4YNKZR6ddPt+GpcWU0RlS9X0eMeFljtWawmr1W90p/KeqwxQaVhl6YVZnQw1dJ0T5YUQIEhQcHJdJpbOfkN962D8dGJYGnjnTN2vJw83xoB/CQ== sri@beetle >>~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
Enter the password when its prompted and the authorised_keys of Remote system is updated and now you can login without Password to the remote system.