Friday, December 3, 2010

ORA-16014: log XX sequence# XX not archived, no available destinations

The general solution for this error is
- check the Disk space
- check where the archive location exists
- Try Clearing the Unarchived log group through the SQL :
   alter database clear unarchived logfile group <<No>>;
- Bounce the Db
- Bounce the Server

but if you have done all these and still you get the error !!!!!

Like below,

Errors in file <<diag>>/trace/<<Dbname>>_arc2_1XXXX.trc:
ORA-16038: log 2 sequence# 11 cannot be archived
ORA-00312: online log 2 thread 1: '<<Log_PATH>>/redo2a.log'
ORA-00312: online log 2 thread 1: '<<Log_PATH>>/redo2b.log'
ORA-07217: sltln: environment variable cannot be evaluated.
Thu <<MON>> <<DD>> 07:19:17 <<YYYY>>
ARCH: Archival stopped, error occurred. Will continue retrying
ORACLE Instance envrtl - Archival Error
ORA-16014: log 2 sequence# 11 not archived, no available destinations
ORA-00312: online log 2 thread 1: '<<Log_PATH>>/redo2a.log'
ORA-00312: online log 2 thread 1: '<<Log_PATH>>/redo2b.log'

Then Try checking your pfile for the below archive log parameters and correct it.


Bounce DB  as required..

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

SQLPATH - variable for DBA

Configuring the SQLPATH will make make the job of running the".sql" files more easier.

SQLPATH is a variable which when set to a directory, The SQL*PLUS will search for the files with this directory and sub directory and runs the file.

Also we can set a file -> login.sql , it will be run by default every time you login through SQL*PLUS.
Below is a simple login.sql configuration.

SET LONG 100000

As a DBA we always do certain formatting before working on the SQL Session and if  this is set in login.sql then Oracle will take care of running it all the time we login. :-)

For this just set the following in your Linux/Unix profile ,

SQLPATH=/home/sri/sql:/home/sri/bin  ; export SQLPATH

For Windows configuration steps :

The information is documented clearly in the following link,

after setting up the SQLPATH, now you can start making the sql scripts for the regular monitor queries like sga.sql , temp_usage.sql etc, in the SQLPATH directory and you can run it anytime in the SQL session by



SQLPATH will help a lot :-)

Monday, October 25, 2010

11G R2 RAC OVM Templates.

It became pretty old news that Oracle released OVM templates for RAC (Real Application Clusters) , this was announced in openworld also.
This post is mainly to discuss the issues I faced during the installation and tips to do it better ,
I downloaded ovm templates to the playaround with RAC.  
Download links :

1)  During the download itself I got into issues ,as I went with a Download Manager and the Checksum failed. So its verify the check sum of the downloaded zip.
2) The Installation steps are pretty much clearly described in the Document that comes along with the download.
3) One main page I like to mention here is the screen where the OVM template is getting added to the VM server.The user name and password entering should anything apart from root , as if we enter root over here then it changes the password of the root each time we create a VM from this template.

 So Make sure that root user is not given here.

4) In this page please be careful with the With and down arrow at the end of the configuration. 

5) The emca is not configured with the default installation, so if you like to have it installed during this then its needs to enabled in the config file .
File : /u01/racovm/params.ini

Have a nice time with RAC OVM installation.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Oracle SQL Developer 3.0 Early Adopter 1: New Feature List

Last week Oracle SQL Developer 3.0 got released and its making news in all Blogs.
Below is the feature list and the cool additions to SQL developer.
Just downloaded and started working, its cool & good J

Eye Catching :::
DBA Functionality

DB Configuration
Ability to review and tune db config and edit initation parameters
Resource Manager
Create and prioritize consumer groups and manage resource plans
Define audit settings and manage profiles, roles and users
Define and manage archive logs, control files, datafiles, redo logs, rollback segments and tablespaces

Schema Browser
Easier navigation between object types and schemas for a specific connection
Support fast client-side name based filtering for narrowing the list of objects displayed

SQL Tuning Advisor
Analyzes submitted high-volume SQL statement and offers tuning recommendations
Diff Tool for Explain Plans
Compare selected Explain Plan or Autotrace results for any SQL statements.
Management Pack Licensing Preferences
Preferences option to track which Oracle database features are claimed to be licensed on a connection-by-connection basis

Setting TNS_ADMIN for SQL developer :

We can set the tns_admin from sql developer , see the user Document :
"You can specify the tnsnames.ora location in the Database: Advanced preferences.By default, tnsnames.ora is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory, but it can also be in the directory specified by the TNS_ADMIN environment variable or registry value or (on Linux systems) the global configuration directory. On Windows systems, if the tnsnames.ora file exists but its connections are not being used by SQL Developer, define TNS_ADMIN as a system environment variable. For information about the tnsnames.ora file, see the "Local Naming Parameters (tnsnames.ora)" chapter in Oracle Database Net Services Reference."

Link ::


My mentors and Trainers
told me the following important Note -

Knowledge keeps growing 
once you start sharing.